Escaping the Prince (Bedlam in Brandydook Book 1) Read online

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  ‘How dare she!’ Elga spluttered. ‘Bring her over here at once.’

  There was a loud gasp from the pixies and contestants amidst rumbles of disapproval and shock as Buttercup was hauled to her feet.

  ‘Oh, I can’t believe she just did that,’ exclaimed Aluna, hands up to her face in horror.

  Buttercup’s heart was beating hard. She just wanted to hide and not have to lay eyes on any of these pixies ever again.

  King Rufus’s whole body shook with laughter. ‘That was the funniest performance I’ve ever seen.’

  ‘Rufus!’ Queen Tulip scolded. ‘Give the pixie a chance.’

  ‘You are right, of course, my Queen,’ he said kissing her hand. He turned back to Buttercup, his face solemn. ‘This is the final part of the contest. I’m sure you know the procedure by now?’

  As Buttercup nodded, the sleeve of her gown fell down over her left shoulder. Flushed with embarrassment she hurried to pull it up but the other sleeve began to slip too.

  ‘Oh pixie socks,’ she fretted, ‘Elga’s right.’ She was hopeless at needlework.

  ‘Your dress, my dear – it’s falling apart!’ exclaimed the queen in shock. ‘Here, put this cape around your shoulders.’

  Buttercup blushed. She thought the queen would be cross and order her to cover herself up. ‘Thank you, Queen Tulip. You are most kind.’

  ‘Now shall I proceed with the final part of the contest?’ drawled King Rufus.

  ‘I would like to question the contestant, Father,’ said Morgan.

  ‘Very unorthodox, but proceed,’ King Rufus muttered.

  ‘What does being princess of Brandydook mean to you?’ asked Morgan, staring at her intently.

  Buttercup squirmed under the prince’s scrutiny. Aware that all eyes were upon her she replied, ‘For the same reasons as the others,’ she shrugged, desperate to get away.

  ‘So what you’re saying is you don’t have a mind of your own?’ Morgan growled. The prince turned to his parents and rose, ‘I’ve seen enough.’

  Buttercup grew angry and immediately went on the defensive. ‘I do have a mind of my own, Sire.’ Her eyes flashed in defiance.

  Prince Morgan sighed and sat back down. ‘I’m listening.’

  ‘Well I guess for me, being princess of Brandydook, would be about gaining the respect of others and,’ she chuckled mischievously, ‘being able to tell everyone what to do…especially Elga.’

  ‘Why, you little monster,’ snarled Elga, rolling up her sleeves spoiling for a fight.

  Prince Morgan shot Elga a look of warning to be quiet and doing his utmost to look serious said, ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Other than that,’ Buttercup shrugged, ‘whether I’m princess or not, I’m not gonna change. I’m just an ordinary pixie, what you see is what you get.’

  ‘That’s not a proper answer!’ King Rufus exclaimed in outrage.

  ‘That’s all I’ve got.’ Buttercup glanced sheepishly at the royal family and said, ‘May I go now?’

  ‘Yes you may go…thank you,’ said the queen. She turned to her son. ‘I have to say that last act was the strangest one I’ve ever seen. What do you think Morgan…Morgan?’

  The prince was deep in thought.


  When the bell eventually chimed for the end of the ceremony, Buttercup decided to stay as far away from her parents as possible. Peblo looked as if he was ready to explode and Flora seemed to be doing her best to persuade him not to. Buttercup heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that the entire horrid incident was now over. She took some berries from a leaf full to the brim with timber bowls of nuts and berries, a swift drink of honey from a pink crocus cup and then flew out on to the balcony to cool down. Buttercup sighed. Oh, if I could get out of here I would explore every nook and cranny and nobody would stop me.


  Once the prince had joined his parents, they retired to another room within the palace while he made his decision. All the pixies were gathered together chattering excitedly, some glancing Buttercup’s way with scorn and pity when she returned to the banqueting hall. Buttercup wanted to go but knew it would make her parents even angrier so she decided to stay for a little while to see who the prince had chosen.

  After some time had passed, twenty royal guards dressed in the traditional Brandydook uniform of green, white and gold entered the palace and formed a line at both sides before they sounded the trumpets. The king and queen returned to their thrones, followed by a very smug looking prince.

  One of the royal guards stepped up to the podium. ‘His Royal Highness, Prince Morgan has made his decision.’

  The prince rose to a thunderous applause and made a motion with his hand for silence. ‘Thank you all for coming here today and for the hard work each and everyone of you have put into your performances.’ He paused and then said with a smile, ‘I have chosen my bride.’ He gazed down upon the expectant faces, searching for the one he was seeking and finally picked her out amongst the crowd. ‘And her name is Buttercup Hickleberry.’

  What! Why would he pick me! No, no, it’s impossible! Buttercup thought in despair.

  Several of the contestants gasped in surprise, followed by the mutterings of bewilderment from among the spectators. Everyone turned to look at Buttercup who had just turned an unhealthy shade of green.

  ‘Buttercup was always clumsy, but I like her,’ remarked one pixie.

  ‘She was never much good at needle work,’ Melody murmured, ‘but guess she won’t be working in the weaving house now.’

  The others nodded in agreement. The air sparked with the excited babble of pixies as everybody swarmed around her.

  ‘Please let me do your dress for the wedding,’ begged Melody. ‘I know just the one you’d like.’

  ‘Of course you may do her dress and whatever else she wants,’ beamed Flora, her arm around Buttercup.

  Buttercup’s eyes shone with tears at the realization of what was happening.

  While Aluna glared at her, more pixies gathered around congratulating her wholeheartedly. Pumping her hand and telling her over and over how lucky she was. Everyone except Elga, who stormed off in disgust.

  Absolute silence followed as all the pixies stood aside to let the prince approach, followed by the king and queen. Buttercup simply stared at him. Her eyes wide with shock, it took her a moment to remember where she was.

  ‘Your Highness,’ she said in a small wavering voice, ‘are you sure you want to pick me?’

  Prince Morgan blinked in surprise and then smiled. ‘Yes, Buttercup,’ he took her hand and kissed it, ‘You know exactly who you are and you are exactly what I’m looking for; you’re different and I think you will be just perfect.’

  King Rufus folded her hand in his iron grip. ‘Must say I was rather surprised he chose you after that hilarious performance you did back there. Welcome to the family, my dear.’

  Queen Tulip approached Buttercup and bent to kiss her on both cheeks. ‘It took courage to perform in that ripped gown in front of everyone. Shows determination and strength of character.’

  Buttercup wanted the ground to swallow her up.

  ‘You will make my son very happy.’ The queen removed a pendant from around her neck and handed it to her. ‘This belonged to my mother and her mother before that. Now I want you to have it.’

  The pendant was dark bronze in colour and a little heavy. It bore the shape of an orchid on the front and what looked like a tree on the back.

  ‘Don’t be fooled by its appearance though, for it is very precious. When the time is right, I will tell you why.’

  Buttercup flushed scarlet. The queen was too kind. If only she knew, that Buttercup was probably the only contestant who didn’t want to be princess. ‘Thank you, your majesty. I will treasure it always.’

  ‘Let this pixie get some rest,’ ordered Queen Tulip with a clap of her hands, ‘we have a wedding to prepare.’

  As the royal family began to depart to their chambers, Peblo bulldozed a path thro
ugh the pixies crowded around his daughter. He hopped and fussed around Buttercup, smiling broadly.

  ‘What a surprise,’ he said squeezing her in a bear hug.

  Everyone was happy. Everyone but Buttercup who couldn’t believe her misfortune; to be stuck in a palace forever and never seeing anything outside of Brandydook Kingdom ever again.

  Chapter 3

  All the preparations were made so fast Buttercup had no time to think about it. The royal carriage was brought out, dusted down and polished until it sparkled. Outside the palace, the two unicorns, Silver and Duchess stamped the ground, impatient for the proceedings to begin. Pixies flurried to and fro carrying food, preparing for the celebration.

  ‘I’m most certain you will love this cake, Buttercup,’ chirped Pixie Cookinpot placing it on the table in front of her. He wiped a smudge of flour from his chin with his apron and waited expectantly.

  ‘Thank you….it looks delicious.’ She tried to muster up some enthusiasm.

  ‘All your favourite ingredients are included. You know, you and the prince are quite similar, he likes lemon drops and apple too. Well, until tomorrow then.’

  Peblo went to answer a knock on the door just as Cookinpot was leaving.

  Elga swept past him. ‘Where is she?’

  ‘You mean Buttercup?’ asked Peblo.

  Elga didn’t reply and instead tried to push her way past Peblo and Cookinpot. But in doing so, the plump pixie managed to get stuck in the narrow space of the small house.

  ‘Really, Mr. Hickleberry,’ she panted, trying to suck in her belly, ‘you must get a bigger place. This won’t do at all.’

  ‘I’ll help you,’ offered Melody, reaching out to take her hand.

  Before Elga had time to reply however, the younger pixie caught her hand and pulled. Elga had to grab the edge of the table to stop herself from falling but with Melody’s help she finally managed to squeeze through the narrow space. With a red face she glared first at Melody and then over at Buttercup who was seated in front of a mirror being measured for her crown. She opened her mouth to complain to Peblo about Buttercup’s bad behaviour then as if remembering who she was speaking to, shut it again abruptly, like a gold fish.

  ‘What can we do for you, Elga?’ demanded Flora who had never liked the meddling, do-goody pixie always looking down her nose at everyone.

  ‘You may not be working as a weaver anymore,’ Elga said smugly to Buttercup, ‘but your flying days are over. There won’t be any time for adventure and you’ll never be allowed to leave the palace.’

  Buttercup felt numb. Trapped. This was even worse than she thought.

  ‘Right. I will see you tomorrow, Miss Hickleberry.’ She reached out and tapped her cheek. ‘Don’t look so worried, dear,’ said Elga sweetly, ‘I’ll shape you into a princess for Brandydook to be proud of if it’s the last thing I do.’ She saw Flora rise and said, ‘No need to get up Madame Hickleberry, I know the way out.’ She turned, saw to her relief the way was clear and then flew out the open door.


  That night, when Buttercup went to bed, she realized this was the last time she’d sleep in her parents’ home.

  ‘Buttercup, lights out,’ her mother said. ‘You’ve a very long day ahead of you tomorrow.’


  ‘Yes dear?’

  ‘Would it really be so bad to leave Brandydook? Just for a little while,’ she added hastily.

  Flora stared at her as if she had gone mad. ‘You know as well as I do that the humans are not to be trusted. What would the prince think? Now, I don’t want to hear any more talk about this. Do you hear?’

  ‘Yes mama, goodnight,’ she replied with a heavy heart, blowing out the candle beside her. Buttercup tossed and turned on her leaf bed trying not to think about the following day. Suddenly the door of her bedroom sprang open.

  ‘Can I please have this room when you’re married?’ Aluna gave her a frosty stare.

  ‘I thought Melody wanted it?’

  ‘No she doesn’t, Melody’s room is even bigger than this.’ Her eyes roved around the bedroom and noticed that everything was in exactly the same place. Pixie shoes and boots lined the wall at one side. An assortment of cloaks, tunics and leggings dangled from twigs jutting out from the ceiling. Glittering beads, marbles, shells, and pebbles she had collected from numerous adventures were piled in a neat little heap by the window.

  Aluna raised her eyebrows accusingly. ‘You haven’t packed a thing and you’re getting married tomorrow.’

  ‘Tell me about it,’ Buttercup sighed, slumping back on to her bed.

  ‘What’s wrong with you? Anyone would think you don’t want to marry the prince!’ Aluna snapped.

  Buttercup knew her sister resented her for being the chosen one but how she wished the prince would have picked Aluna instead. ‘Was there anything else Aluna? I’m rather tired.’

  ‘No.’ She turned to walk away, then spun around suddenly and cried, ‘Oh why did he have to pick you, you don’t deserve him!’ Then she slammed the door on her way out.

  Buttercup whispered, ‘But I have no other choice.’


  Buttercup jumped, spun around and looked up at her best friend, Goodwin, perched on the ledge of her open window. She went over to him. ‘The arrangement has been made. I cannot defy the king and queen…or my parents.’

  ‘Have you tried talking to the prince?’

  Buttercup gave a grunt of disgust. ‘I’m not allowed near him until the wedding.’

  ‘Would it be so bad to marry his majesty? Just think, you’d be the princess of Brandydook and you’d get to boss me around all the time.’

  ‘Sounds great, but I think there’s more to being a princess, Goodwin. ’ Buttercup remembered the way the prince had gazed at her with those dark, brooding eyes. The prince was handsome, there was no doubt about that, but he deserved more than she could give him. She stared down at the floor in misery. ‘I was no good at being a weaver. What if I’m no good at being a princess?’

  ‘I’ll help you. We all will. Or is it Elga you’re worried about?’ Goodwin asked.

  ‘Elga – ha, she may be the queen’s dress maker but I can handle that old crone.’ She frowned. ‘What if the prince ducks my head in the palace pond every time I make him angry?’

  Goodwin chuckled. ‘You saw that, huh?’

  She nodded and sighed.

  ‘That was three moons ago Buttercup. He may have grown up since then.’

  ‘It’s not just that,’ she mumbled with a flick of her eyes towards the trees and the unknown beyond. ‘There’ll be so many duties to perform once I become Morgan’s princess. I don’t think I could stick being trapped. Aluna and Melody may be happy to do it but I…I don’t want to be tied to the palace all the time, there are things I want to see, things I want to do. It’s much too soon.’

  Suddenly the answer hit her like a flash of lightning. ‘I don’t have to marry him if I’m not here! Goodwin, do you know of a place I can go to, where no one can find me?’

  Her friend paused to consider for a moment what she was asking him to do, then whispered, ‘I’ve an idea, that will get you out of Brandydook without anyone seeing you. Meet me by the river before sunrise.’

  Chapter 4

  Buttercup’s heart hammered with joy as she flew silently through the night down towards the river.

  Goodwin stood waiting by the shore, scanning the sky every two minutes to check if she was coming. Apart from the chattering of crickets, all was quiet in Brandydook. ‘Maybe she’s changed her mind,’ he wondered. Then he caught the glimpse of a white light bobbing in and out of from among the trees. At last!

  ‘What took you so long?’ Goodwin whispered nervously in the darkness.

  ‘Had to make sure nobody was watching,’ she whispered back.

  He took a quick look around to see if anyone had followed her, then said, ‘Come on, I’ll show you where to go.’

  Buttercup followed her friend d
own along by the bank of the stream. It was hard to believe that it had only been this morning since she had been there last. So much had happened in just one day. Now she was leaving Brandydook Kingdom for the first time in her life. Her chest fluttered with the thrill of her very first adventure away from the valley.

  ‘Did Aluna really want to marry the prince?’ asked Goodwin in a low voice.

  Buttercup suddenly realised that Goodwin had a soft spot for Aluna. Nothing she could say would make him feel any better, so she shrugged. ‘I guess – but then so did all the others.’

  Goodwin glanced up at the sky. It would be light soon. They had to hurry. He tugged at a clump of bushes and found what he was looking for. The shell was reddish-brown, stained black in places but in good condition.

  ‘Help me push this down to the water,’ he said.

  Huffing and panting, they rolled the shell down to the stream bed until it wobbled to a stop on the water. ‘This will bring you out of Brandydook safely. No one will be watching the stream, I promise.’

  She stepped into the shell.

  ‘Ooh, it’s cold.’

  ‘Hold on tight. Your father will have my wings if anything happens to you.’

  The little pixie gave a weak smile. ‘Don’t worry about me I’ll be alright.’ She clung on to the sides. It rocked for several moments. The water never looked so close before. Her reflection peered back at her. Her mouth quivered ever so slightly, ‘Thank you so much Goodwin,’ she said, ‘You’re a good friend.’

  ‘What will I tell your parents? The prince?’